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The Throne Chronicles: Why Men Should Embrace Sitting Down to Pee

Climb the throne

Ah, gentlemen, gather around. Let's talk about a revolution in the men's room, a seismic shift in urination norms. Yes, you heard it right. It's time we talk about why sitting down to pee is not just for the kings and emperors of old but for the modern man as well.

1. The Splashback Horror Show

First up, the dreaded splashback. Standing to pee is like playing a risky game of liquid pinball. No matter how accurate you are, there's always that rogue drop that thinks it's auditioning for "Dancing with the Stars" on your bathroom floor. Sit down, and suddenly, it's game over for those pesky droplets.

2. The Zen of Peeing

Sitting down offers a moment of tranquillity. It's a forced pause, a respite in your day. Standing up to pee? That's for those who scarf down lunch at their desk. Sitting is for the connoisseurs of life who savour a moment of peace.

3. Bullseye Every Time

Let's face it. Not every man is a sharpshooter, especially at 3 AM in a half-asleep stupor. Sitting down? It's like having training wheels. You can't miss!

4. The Throne is Your Domain

There's a reason it's called the throne. Sitting down gives you a few extra moments of sovereignty over your domain (even if it's just your bathroom). Check your phone, ponder the meaning of life, or simply enjoy the solitude.

5. Happy Wife, Happy Life

If you share your bathroom with a significant other, sitting down to pee might just earn you extra brownie points. No more debates about the toilet seat. No more middle-of-the-night misfires. Harmony restored.

6. Health Benefits? Maybe!

Some say sitting down to pee can be better for prostate health. The jury is still out on this, but hey, if there's even a chance it's healthier, why not give it a shot?

So there you have it, gents. Sitting down to pee might just be the unsung hero of your daily routine. Give it a try. Your bathroom floor, your partner, and perhaps even your prostate will thank you. Remember, revolutions start in the most unexpected places, and this one starts in your bathroom.